I would like so much to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas but how can I?
What is Christmas anyway?
A little more than a week ago I was in Bangkok, capital city of a country nearly 100% Buddhist and I saw that all shops and Malls were having Christmas decorations.
At every Sky Train Station huge screen were brainwashing people with every kind of Christmas shopping advertisement.
And if ever I should ask anyone in Ban Naudom about Jesus Christ, they would look at me wondering what the hell I am saying!
I was in Milan few days ago and at all underground train stations there were, once again, huge screens deafening people and pushing them to buy, buy, buy, buy and buy again… is Christmas.
And here back in Switzerland I can see around me faces of people who are so stressed by their shopping duties, I can see they have their hands full of bags but absolutely no joy in their eyes.
F@#*! Does anyone even remember what is supposed to mean Christmas?
And the fellow who is writing these words is surely not a good Christian, actually I am not a Christian at all but it really disturbs me to see that this f@#*!@g capitalistic society is polluting everything, even what is supposed to be sacred, such a Christmas.
I wish so much that all people in the world one day would go on strike and will stop buying anything for Christmas and any other artificially created festivals.
We people have the power to send a strong message to those in power if we only would want to, if only we could be aware of the way we are used.
But we’d rather close our eyes, our ears and go on like slaves, buying every kind of shit the system is selling us and, worse, in doing that we believe to reach happiness!
So f@#* Christmas, at least this kind of Christmas.
Pura, 25th of December, 2548
C – COPYRIGHT / Claudio Romano
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